In these turbulent times, many people are struggling with heightened levels of stress and apprehension. In partnership with our patients and staff, we strive to make our office a model community and safe haven; a protective tent in which we can all experience a version of what we would like to achieve in our broader world.
Within Our Tent…
We adhere to the strictest safety protocols to protect ourselves and our patients from infection.
We do not adjust our protocols for patients unwilling to do their part to ensure their safety and ours.
We support each other with kindness, understanding and empathy.
We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or racism. This includes violence and hateful or hurtful language.
We are attuned to each other’s needs and seek to uplift each other’s spirits when needed.
Thanks to all who help create a safe haven. Together we can lead by example!

Our goal is to provide you and your family healthy, safe smiles. With our Smile Safely Program you can rest assured that we’re taking extraordinary measures to ensure you and your family’s safety and the safety of our teams.

Heightened Cleaning & Safety Standards
Spray, scrub, wipe repeat. It’s our new favorite sound. We’ve always been committed to the highest safety standards—but now deep cleaning is done before, during and after visits even in the lobby. Our teams are geared up to sanitize equipment, chairs, tables, door handles, countertops etc. many times a day. And we don’t stop there. PPE (think masks, gloves, gowns, and face shields) is worn by everyone in the office. Even patients get to take part by keeping masks on at all times except when being treated and doing a good disinfecting rinse before and after care.
Patient and Employee Screening
We’re checking to see if our patients (and staff) are healthy with a few questions and a temperature check every day, at every visit. Sounds a bit extreme? You’re right, extreme is good when it comes to patient safety and health.

Social Distancing
United we stand...six feet apart. While we love the bustle of a busy office, we’ll be spacing appointments to avoid crowding. And we’ve revamped our waiting rooms. They may even have 4 wheels, as we’ll ask wait in your car if there are others in the lobby (finally music you like listening to). Don’t worry, we’ll give you a call or text when it’s safe to come in.